Why should you or your doctor choose Mid-Columbia Endoscopy Center, LLC for your gastroenterology healthcare needs?

We understand that it has long been recognized that the quality of the colonoscopy exam is highly dependent on the skill of the doctor who performs it. At Mid-Columbia Endoscopy Center, LLC, we are continually striving to provide the best healthcare possible for our patients. We believe that it is not enough to think we are providing good care; we want to know that we are providing good care. We believe it is important to determine how we are performing when compared to national standards and study results. We want to do this by creating a "report card" using proven quality measures as the basis for our grading system to ensure that we are meeting or exceeding acceptable standards. We provide the following information to our patients and the community to allow them to be aware of how we measure up.

ADENOMA DETECTION: Doctors who are proficient at performing colonoscopy exams are better than others at spotting precancerous polyps. New research confirms this skill is associated with better outcomes. The study found that colorectal cancers were less likely to be diagnosed during the time between scheduled colonoscopy exams when the doctor performing the test had an adenoma (benign, but pre-cancerous polyps) detection rate of at least 20%. Of the colonoscopies performed at Mid-Columbia Endoscopy Center, LLC in 2018, we had an adenoma detection rate of 41.30%, well above the study standard of 20%.

COLON WITHDRAWAL TIME: Studies have shown that the more time a doctor takes to examine the colon as the endoscope (tube) is withdrawn, the better. The recommended National standard is that doctors take at least six minutes for the withdrawal phase of a colonoscopy. A recent assessment of this practice found that the doctors who did identified significantly more polyps than those who took less time. Of the colonoscopies performed at Mid-Columbia Endoscopy Center, LLC in 2018, the colon withdrawal time met or exceeded six minutes 100%, with our overall average colon withdrawal time being 11.91 minutes. Of the colonoscopies performed in 2018 that had no interventions or therapeutic measures taken (no biopsy or polyps removed) our average colon withdrawal time was 9.77 minutes.

CECUM INTUBATION: Measuring how often a doctor is able to reach the beginning of the colon, or cecum (where the small intestine and the colon meet), is also used to assess exam quality. The ability to reach the cecum ensures that a colonoscopy exam is complete, and that the entire colon has been visualized and inspected. When the cecum is not reached during a colonoscopy, there is an increased risk for missing lesions that may be in the area of the colon that was not visualized. Studies recommend that a doctor should be able to reach the cecum at least 90% of the time. Of the colonoscopies performed at Mid-Columbia Endoscopy Center, LLC in 2018, we had a cecum intubation rate of 99.16%.

BOWEL PREPARATION QUALITY: It is largely recognized that the overall outcome of a colonoscopy is highly dependent on the quality of the bowel preparation done prior to the exam. In order to achieve the best visualization, the colon needs to be as clean as possible. This allows for even small lesions to be detected more readily when they might otherwise be hidden by retained fecal matter in the colon. As there are several different preparations and regimens available to achieve an optimal colon preparation, it is important to select the best option for each individual patient to ensure the best outcome possible. Bowel preparation is classified into four groups: 1) Excellent; 2) Good; 3) Fair/Adequate; 4) Poor/Inadequate/Sub-optimal. Of the colonoscopies performed at Mid-Columbia Endoscopy Center, LLC, in 2018, the number of patients who presented with documented bowel preparation sufficient to have a thorough colonoscopy (excellent/good/fair/adequate) was 98.83%